Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas.

There are great people in this world!

I joined a forum specifically dedicated to childless stepmoms.

I added a topic about my situation with not being able to afford Christmas and the m-word getting a boob job (maybe?).  I wasn’t asking for anything, just writing out my thoughts, to see what others thought about my situation.

Well, I got a reply from another childless stepmom like me, offering me her PSP!!!!!!

All she wanted in return was to be updated on the boob job stuff.  So we could laugh and roll our eyes J.  I am so freaking astonished…there truly are great people in this wild selfish world!

I love this site and I love these women!  It was so great that I found women in similar situations as I am.  It is so great to know that others have to deal with the same crap that I do ( that sound sadistic); rephrase: 

I am just glad to have people that understand what I am going through.


Stephanie said...

That has been the best part of finding this community in cyberspace -- other stepmoms who are going through the same things, finding others who truly understand.

I'm so glad you found someone who heard you, understood you, and offered help and support.

Merry Christmas!