Saturday, October 28, 2006

Ahhhh...a night out

Babe and I got a much needed night out!  The M-Word watched the boys overnight and Babe and I went to a Halloween Concert and stayed at a hotel next door so we could drink and not drive home!  Oh and drink we did, we got lost walking back to the hotel…oops.  It was so much fun, but Babe did have to work the next day….he was sleepy.


I do not think that we have had a night out in a year and we never go out together.  Babe is kinda a homebody, but he has never minded me going out.  Still I don’t get the chance much with my lack of funds.  I’m really not much of a partier (not like I use to be).


I actually like that he does not want to go out with meI think nights out together all the time lead to arguments and suffocating.  We are happy to be together or apart and I think that is why we have lasted.  I hate it when a guy wants to hang around all the time, I get nauseous that way.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

the M-Word Returns

After not seeing Sugar and Teddy Bear for a month, The M-Word had the nerve to write me and say that because I had the boys’ pics on my myspace page (under the category family) it made her sick and accused me of taking over her family (as if she made that hard).  This is funny coming from her, seeing as she had zero pics of the boys on her page.  It would be different if she did not have any kids’ pics at all but she has plenty of her and her 20 year old boyfriend’s daughter!  I probably shouldn’t mention his age but, I ran into them at club one night and he was begging me to buy him a drink and grabbed my ass!  Maybe, she is just ashamed that she is 25 with 3 kids.  I don’t know why, I know many people who this applies to, but she still acts like a teenager!


Anyway this is what was said…


The M-Word:


having a good time taking over my family?(the kids i mean)hope they are good, the boys i mean. as much as u dont think so i miss them....but i guess they must be doing great now that i am not around according to they even miss me? i gut sick to my stomach lookng at this page


My reply:


I do not know what you consider family but if you notice I have Babe and all of my best friends under that category. I love them but I do not ask them to call me mom or even want them to ('cause you know I want to grow up to be exactly like you), so far I've never let them down. If you truly missed them you could have seen them last weekend at your parents. Maybe you just don't know how to deal with people but, writing snotty email does not get you what you want. Seeing as except for one phone call I have always been nice to you and now 2 reactions to your emails. I've tried, I told Babe that you might call after the last email I wrote, and I told him to be nice. But you didn't. Babe told your mom he didn't care if you saw the kids and if you wanted you could go to their house. As for missing you they are 4 so other than the fact that they don't mention you, I don't know. If you want to see them why don’t you try calling and being nice.