Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who wants to bet?

I haven't written in a while, but I have been busy with school and work and life.

So, the m-word has a surgery this Friday.

Last year about this time, she had a hysterectomy.  I am kinda wondering what other surgeries a 27-year-old woman would have.  I know that there are plenty, but she told us she was having a hysterectomy.  This one she just said surgery and when I played concerned (really just being nosey) she just said it was nothing to be concerned about.

Babe and I are betting on a boob job.  According to Babe, it is something that she has always wanted.  I actually believe it…she has always chosen #1 over the babies.  She always has her nails done and her hair done and so on and so on.
I really think it is funny, but I am just annoyed today, because we had to tell the boys that daddy and I could not get them anything for Christmas.  We are spent all of the money we had, plus (we bounced a check, not on purpose, but it happened) on one PSP (they will have to share).  That is what they really wanted, but it will be from Santa.  I would rather them know Babe and I are broke than Santa decided not to show up.  They will get stuff from the m-word, my parents, and their 2 sets of grand parents, but I hate that they will not wake up with a bunch of stuff on Christmas.