As I said in previous posts, I posted about the M-Words new assets on the forum
I got great replies. They all made me feel better and less bitter about the situation, but I guess my tongue was still a little jagged.
I gave one Childless Stepmom the impression that I was making fun of her for the boob job itself. This is not true, I believe that any woman can improve upon anything they see fit, and I may even partake someday.
My actual issue is with her priorities. At the time that she had this surgery, she’d been complaining about not being able to afford Christmas, that she was 2 months behind on her rent and that she really wants to get the divorce settled (which she has agreed that if we agree to everything in advance she will pay for).
I just do not think that spending or even having your parents spend that kind of money is very responsible. She has no sense of right and wrong when it comes to the boys. I just wish that she would put up or shut up! The shut up would be nice. I know the boys need to know that she cares, but if she’s not going to show them poo on her.
She actually said that she only wanted them on Christmas for a short period, because she would still be resting from her surgery (before we knew what it was). Well anyway, I have no issues with anyone who chooses to have breast implants and I do not believe that it makes a woman an airhead or bimbo. I just can’t believe her tactless timing!
I'm totally with you on the priority thing. The ED in our life loves to spend righteous amounts of cash on her daily Starbucks run but needs the State to pay her electric bill. She's over five months in arrears on child support, but she's driving an SUV with a $680/month payment. She gets her hair and nails done, but can't afford new school clothes for the kiddos.
That's exactly the kind of idiocy and me-thinking that makes my blood boil. Forget those women who think you're bashing just to bash. There will always be those. I think you're absolutely justified. In fact, the world would be a better place if more people said, "Dang, that was irresponsible!" instead of, "Oh, she deserved it, lay off!"
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