I am sitting in the living room looking at the boys. They passed out watching Star Wars Episode I.
I am tired and yet I can’t sleep. I guess I am under the same stress as everyone else in this economy.
I just worry about whether the boys are having a good life.
We do not have money, but we live near one of the wealthiest areas in our little part of the world.
Most of the boys’ friends at school and on their baseball teams have A LOT of money. I know that it shouldn’t matter, but I know it will someday.
I don’t want them to feel that they should have everything that their friends have, but I want them to feel they have enough. I know growing up I wasn’t rich, but I knew that my parents would give me anything I needed.
I am worried that the way life is going we may not always beable to provide that.
I am attending school to get an MBA, but when that pays off I would really like Babe to quit working and spend more time with the boys and CLEAN MY HOUSE (so I don’t have to J)!!!
This will again leave us with less than others, but I really think that the boys need someone at home, with everything they have been through. They love their dad and it would help us to be able to get homework, housework, etc. done.
I really like the whole my house will be clean and my dinner will be on the table concept!!
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