I had resigned myself to a life with the boys and Babe along time ago, figuring even if I ever wanted a child/children of my own that it just was not in the cards.
Babe was fixed after Teddy Bear came along.
I loved them so much that I thought that it would never matter.
I know that he can get a reversal, but Babe is one of 3 boys and he has 2, his brother has 2, and admittedly his other brother has 3 girls. This is just statistically not enough X chromosomes for me.
Not that I wouldn’t want another son, but I already have 2 and I want a little princess. There is far too much testosterone in my home already.
I have considered adopting, but I really want a 1 or 2 year old, but as far as I can see through research most of them have extreme medical problems. I think those who could take on a child like this are angels, but the boys have been through enough and should not have to compete with a sick child also. Besides we do not have the money to support a child with special needs.
Well, a friend of a friend got pregnant and did not want to keep the baby.
This got me thinking, I do have the finances to raise another child, but I do not have the finances to go through an adoption. I may be sounding ignorant here, but could she just give me the baby, with a little paperwork and filing fees or is it a lot more complicated than that?
Also, how do you bring it up and how do you say, “Well I only want them if they are girl.”
I really wish that this situation hadn’t happened, because it reminded me that although I never wanted children till I was at least 30 (blew that out the window at 25 and they were already 3 and 4) I did always want at least one girl and I still do.
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